Tuesday, July 31, 2007

An Old Friend!

It feels so weird when you meet an old friend. A friend, with whom you used to spend most of the day. A friend, who knew you inside out once. A friend, with whom there was no end to the conversation. Even after talking for hours, you’d realize later that some things were still left unsaid.

I met my best friend from school sometime back. Thanks to Orkut. I can’t even begin to describe how happy I was on getting a scrap from her. She asked me if I remembered her and I was like “Duh!!” I had been looking for her since I don’t know when. I had already searched for her on Orkut earlier but could not find her. She found me.

As soon as we exchanged phone numbers, she called me. It was as if we were back in school days again. There were so many things to talk about. It’s been 8 years since we spoke last time and a lot has changed since then. We spoke for more than an hour but realized within a few days that we both are way too busy with a lot of new things. As I said, a lot has changed. We both work and are totally occupied in our own lives. The good part is that no matter how busy we are, we still manage to take 2 minutes out of the day to say hello to each other.

Back to the weird part, this comes after the first conversation with the old friends. A realization, that unlike the old times, there are very few things left to talk about. After asking the usual questions, there is just nothing else left to say. And then you realize, is this is the same friend with whom there was no end to the conversation?


La Louve said...

am firsttttt!

wait going to read now

La Louve said...

hey Apy, great to hear tht you re-found your best friend! :)

educatedunemployed said...

No they aren't the same person. A lot happens in 8 years. You have changed too.

You really don't know what is the equation between you two.And hence the silences and lack of conversation.

But you know what that is why there is a term called re-acquaint yourselves.Get to know her now, what she has become and let her know who you have become into.

Chances are you will both love the new you-s. Good luck with finding a new friend in the old.

Sahasra said...

I faced the same couple of times,esp with school buddies....

Apy said...

:) Even I m so happy.. she brought back a lot of old memories along..

I guess that's what we are doing now.. trying to know each other again..
Thanks ....

:) I guess I am not the only one facing this

GuNs said...

Its an irony but the older you get and more experience(s) you have, the less you have to talk about.

Maybe its got to do with the fact that as you grow older, the ability to derive happiness and interest in small things starts to vanish. A new red coloured tiffin box would be a super cool thing you could talk about for an hour in school. Now, you couldn't spend one minute talking about it even if you wanted to. Now you probably need an expensive i-pod to hold your attention for a few minutes. Even the i-pod is fast turning into a commonplace thing now.

It never ends, does it?


joy said...

good to c that it feels so grt to find them again n again its so difficult to open up as when kids kind of faced the same v talk mostly the plesantries n off to our own worlds ..happens when times change n people change

Apy said...

I m not sure if you got the right direction. It would be incorrect to say that I talk less now as compared to the amount of talking I used to do when I was a kid. The topics have changed, the pranks and jokes have changed, the kind of leg pulling has also changed but the there has been no change in the total amount of words that come out of my mouth. :) This is something different. You cant have the same conversation with 2 different people. The point is that now there is an apprehension on how the other person is going to react. The comfortability is not the same and its going to take a while to get back to the same old comfort zone.

Exactly... I guess we need to give some time and hope that things come back to the way they were...

Keshi said...

right now I loathe OLD friends! :)


P said...

It is true.. I feel that disconnect especially being so far that when I am finally in India and run into old friends, after the initial enthusiasm and surprise wanes, the conversation sort of lags and the disconnect becomes even more evident... its like the memories take over and the present doesn't even come up coz its been too long anyway!
always saddens me!

Anonymous said...

WOw.. dude, finally an update..

Hmm, somehow reading the first para, I knew it was a girl ;)

And yep, things change... lot of things do.

Pravin said...

I suppose it happens. I met up with my school friends a while back. While I could get along really well with some, with some others, it was like, "I don't know what to talk about"

And we used to be best of buddies before

La Louve said...


Apy said...

U know what.. even i feel terribly guilty about it.

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

8 yrs IS a long time ... and everything changes ... first few days you talk and talk and then there's a silence ... unless of course you're both gud at discussing world politics!! lol

anyway finding old friends in exciting in the beginning but later ... begins to annoy you!