Monday, June 04, 2007

Messed Up

Liquor Shop Owner: Yes Sir, What do u need?
X: Do you have Kingfisher?
LSO: Yes sir, how many?
X: I don't want that. Do you have Haywards 5000 '350ml' can?
LSO: NO sir, I don't have that.
X: Do you have '650 ml' bottle?
X: '500ml' can?
LSO: Yes sir, how many?
X: Just one.
LSO: That would be 50 bucks.
[gives 50 bucks]
X: You don't have '650 ml' bottle?
LSO: No sir
X: Then return my money. I want the bottle.
LSO: Shall I give two '350 ml' cans?
X: Okay, Give me that.
LSO: That would be 10 bucks more.
X: You dont have 650 ml ?
X: Then give me back my money, I want only 650 ml bottle.


Mr. J said...

It must be you :P

educatedunemployed said...


bilbo said...

huh 2

La Louve said...

eh what? huh 3

Apy said...

lol... Mr. J .. wasn't me.

@EU, Bilbs, Bleu
Saw a drunkard doing this... this is the same expression that I gave in the end.... :D

Sahasra said...

poor OWNER!!!

P said...

seriously...poor owner!lol!

GuNs said...

Did LSO give X a good Kick on the you-know-what?


Feels good to read blogs again.


joy said...

why bother him when u dont want any? huh

P said...


joy said...

hey where r u blogging?

Ekta said... this u??:-)

La Louve said...

BLOG will you!!

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

lol how idiotic!!